Thursday 13 June from 9:30-11:30

Graduation 2024!

We want to give our hard-working students a happy and memorable close to the school year. That is why we are welcoming you our Nordic- graduation!

Information and times for graduation!

Thursday, 13 June at St. Matthew’s Church 

9:30 Students should arrive at Nordic International School and gather in their mentor’s classroom. The usual dress code does not apply for graduation. However, this is a festive occasion which means that students and staff wear tidy and formal clothes.

10:15 – Each class will walk together to St. Matthew’s Church

10:30 – 11:30 –  The Graduation Ceremony at the church

  • All classes sit at their marked class designation in the church.
  • Year 4 will start by standing at the alter from the beginning of the ceremony.
  • Guardians should sit at the back of the church or on the second level. This is, of course, subject to availability.
  • Families are encouraged to wait for their child outside the church after the ceremony. This is usually a nice time to gather and celebrate as well as take photos and greet other students and families. It is a good idea to determine a meeting place beforehand because it can be hard to find each other in the large group of people. 


After the ceremony, year 9 students must go back to the school to return their caps and gowns. Other years are free to leave from the church and do not need to return to school.


Curious about Graduation at Nordic?

Watch this video to see some clips from last year’s Graduation Ceremony.


Ms Sandra Hjalmarsson

Head of Administration
+46 (0)70-204 16 86